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SCHWAB integration - RELEASED BETA! (NOTE: some limitations)

Jerry Medved

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I just signed up for the beta version. I was testing orders being sent to Schwab last night and there was a delay of 5 minutes or more in the working order showing up tos. Is this because it’s the weekend?

any other traders using MT with Schwab? Have you had any issues with executions (not quality of fills).


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2 hours ago, Trextrades said:

I just signed up for the beta version. I was testing orders being sent to Schwab last night and there was a delay of 5 minutes or more in the working order showing up tos. Is this because it’s the weekend?

any other traders using MT with Schwab? Have you had any issues with executions (not quality of fills).


I've been using medved for a few years and trade on the options charts. No delays filling orders or closing or flattening. I usually keep thinkorswim open when trading as well to double check and hear confirmation sounds. 

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2 hours ago, Trextrades said:

I just signed up for the beta version. I was testing orders being sent to Schwab last night and there was a delay of 5 minutes or more in the working order showing up tos. Is this because it’s the weekend?

any other traders using MT with Schwab? Have you had any issues with executions (not quality of fills).

the order goes to Schwab within milliseconds. Check on the Website (just remember to refresh the page). Though orders on should show on TOS right away, I don't know how they handle refreshing the data on weekend and that is basically involving debugging another system :). If you see the order in the Medved Trader Account View window on Transactions tab, it is on their server - that just shows exactly what Schwab returns.

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Hi Jerry - Thank you so much for responding on a Sunday! Everything you said makes sense and yes its the orders are showing up on the transactions tab in milliseconds. I'm excited to use MT with Schwab tomorrow! 

Any suggestions for hot key setups? I used F9 and that worked for a hotkey, but when I used F10 it doesn't work and is not assigned to another function. I'm planning on using my laptop's number pad for my hotkeys. 

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I had been running MT flawlessly for years using TD Amtd data source on a Lenovo i5 laptop running W10 and a slow-as-a-pig 17-yr old W7 Dell that I just use as a second screen for real-time charts. After May 10, when the empty TD account I used for data went away, I downloaded the MT beta, and got one laptop using Schwab data, even used the export hack for getting both up, but switched the main laptop to Fidelity to avoid the constant Schwab authorization window popping up. Starting today, running 1.1.9932.290, starting up MT is taking FOREVER, as in 50 minutes on the Lenovo. And when it finally gets up, I get constant Fidelity or Schwab login failure popups, even though I know I'm using the correct usernames and passwords. I give up, and want to uninstall MT on both machines, download again and start from scratch, never touching Schwab again. But I would like to save my chart layouts so I don't have to recreate them. I plan to save the layouts, move the file to a temp location, uninstall MT, then download a fresh MT installation, select Fidelity data source only, and then restore the layouts. Will that work?

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@wilywilly reinstalls really do not do anything. Slow start is 99.999% of the time a Security software issue (yes, I know you didn't change anything.  Trust me ). Excluding MT from Windows Defender does the trick

if both Schwab and Fidelity are failing login, the issue would most likely be some problem with the Microsoft Webview2 component which MT normally installs as part of the install.  Would need to see the log for specifics but simple MT reinstall won't do anything.  Please send me the log:
Go to FILE / HELP => Send Log/Settings to support menu (from Dashboard or Portfolio)

And add this Post’s URL in the comment. 


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On 5/8/2024 at 2:57 PM, Doug Hayman said:


I noticed this problem on many occasions, while not trading, and MT is dormant for a period of time:

- DOM is pointed to Schwab Data source for symbol @MESM24, and my Trading source is set to an IB Simulated Acct;

DOM stops updating and I need to toggle Data source off/on, to start getting DOM activity going again.  Sometimes it doesn't even resume, and I need to switch Data source to IB and then back to Schwab for it to resume.

Level 1 data for above symbol always updates fine on my portfolio screen.

Looks to be a Schwab data issue, and not an MT issue.

Jerry, did you receive my log files OK on this (send them via MT)?  It happens quite frequently, and not sure if it's related to streaming issues that you are waiting for resolve on or not.

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The reason I wanted to do a fresh install was to kill all references to Schwab. I have every portfolio data source set to Fidelity or IB (use it for Eminis) and MT still says "logging in" for Schwab in the Sources screen on the dashboard. How do I purge all Schwab references once and for all?

I rebooted the Lenovo and started MT - no problem, fast startup now. I tried to go through the security settings you linked to, but I'm running "F-Suite Security" from my ISP and screens are different, but after the reboot I don't care (for now.)

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doing reinstall will not fix that since that does not touch your user settings. It is logging in because Schwab is selected somewhere:
Source on top of PORTFOLIO window, MAIN tab
Source on top of PORTFOLIO window, INDEXES tab
Source on top of Level II, DOM or Depth Chart (might look like NO source is selected - make sure something is)
Check those

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Yes, there were a lot of nooks and crannies where "Schwab" was lurking. Got them all, then suddenly I could never get Fidelity login to work. After chasing that around for a long time I found that the stored password had been changed to "********..." ad infinitum. Our hungry cat was sitting on my keyboard whining at me when I had that screen open! It's always something.

Thanks for your help and great response times. I have been using MT since you released it to replace QT and I had never seen that slow startup issue, but it hasn't come back after a simple reboot. And TD Amtd had been rock solid that whole time - I was spoiled.

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56 minutes ago, wilywilly said:

And TD Amtd had been rock solid that whole time - I was spoiled.

well, Schwab stuff is brand new, BUT they used a ton of TD Ameritrade stuff, so pretty sure once we get the initial stuff ironed out, it will be very solid.  End of month is a biggie.

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One more thing: when I remove all the Schwab links from the W7 laptop and select Fidelity, logins always fail, even with the correct username and password. When I tried to log into Fidelity.com using a browser, Internet Explorer came up and failed also: "This page can't be displayed." I could not log into Schwab.com, either. Both were using "https://". When I changed the default browser to Chrome it logs into those web sites fine. Can this be related to MT not being to log into Fidelity for data? TD Amtd worked with MT on that laptop for years, until May 10, and I can still log into https://tdameritrade.com using IE. ??? 

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On 5/19/2024 at 10:50 AM, Jerry Medved said:

the order goes to Schwab within milliseconds. Check on the Website (just remember to refresh the page). Though orders on should show on TOS right away, I don't know how they handle refreshing the data on weekend and that is basically involving debugging another system :). If you see the order in the Medved Trader Account View window on Transactions tab, it is on their server - that just shows exactly what Schwab returns.

Submitting orders seems just fine for me with Schwab but when I edit a live transaction as I often do, the API takes about 10 seconds to clear the old order from Account View/charts/etc whereas it was near instantaneous with TDA. The actual order update is going though from looking at the website.

I know we're in beta just reporting what I'm seeing.

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Thank you Jerry!!  I was prompted to do a restart to update files in MT.  After the restart my Level2 started to work as before the Schwab move.  Thank you for that!!!  The option chain is still not working (Not complaining--Just and FYI)  

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I guess you didn't.  The Level 2 is again not working.  Or should I say working as it has been after the move.  On one stock it gives me a full list of exchanges and the Bids & Asks on those exchanges.  The other two stock for which I have Level two open just give only one line/exchange.  

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