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Jerry Medved

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Everything posted by Jerry Medved

  1. the font size wasn't being reset initially when you re-opened the window. Fixed As for showing the font size, I really don't want to waste the space. It is mainly relevant only when you have issues with the size, and shouldn't really have those anymore. BTW, you don't have to go to the ribbon to change font size. CTRL+ and CTRL- can be used (same as in a browser)
  2. that is not in the cards for the near future.
  3. Most likely a different issue. Go to settings / application / general and change the price format back to #,##0.00##
  4. nono, its fine. I am just setting expectations - some are quickly implemented. Others .. more down the road. As for the user interface, how did the CAD software do it?
  5. In theory, sure. In practice, there are quite a few issues there that would need to be addressed, other than just the time to actually do it 1) How hard is it to make the windows move together like that? I have them snapping together when they get near each other, but don't know about the moving part 2) what would be the actual UI for locking/unlocking the windows? 3) Minimizing as a group would be somewhat problematic. MT handles it's own window management because each window is in it's own thread and therefore they cannot be handled by Windows standard stuff. I would say that a more likely approach may be just to do container windows, where you can create a container window and drag MT windows inside it. and then move the container window. Right now though the top priority is to get core functionality working
  6. I have no idea what it is sorting on in QT when TIME is selected for NYSE symbol. That data is simply not returned from the datafeed.
  7. you can't really compare to QT with TDA since QT didn't show time when TDA was the source. And the issue is not 3 letter symbols but rather NASDAQ vs Non-NASDAQ. MT shows the time but what is there depends on the symbol. TDA has different datafeeds for NASDAQ and others. For NASDAQ one time is returned on the individual entries. For Non-NASDAQ Data, MT just puts the time the data came in into that field.
  8. it works, though doesn't get re-adjusted until new data comes in. you can see it by just adding the tie column
  9. FYI - I am changing the two options that show change and volume so they will be: <SYMBOL> <CHANGE> (<PERIOD>/<FREQ>) <SYMBOL> <VOLUME> (<PERIOD>/<FREQ>) That way the symbol and the value will be visible if shown on task bar
  10. FYI - the 1.0.1221.2312 build changed how intraday quotes are stored, so we had to make it delete data stored by previous versions. Most of you should have a backfill source available, so it shouldn't be too much or an issue. Also, when I updated last night, the file didn't actually get uploaded. I just uploaded again. Jerry
  11. We will be adding those features in the future. No ETA
  12. Long story about IB requiring Primary exchange to be specified for only these symbols (and one more obscure one). The issue will be handled automatically by MT starting with the next build.
  13. Next build will have the option on the SETTINGS / Charts / General screen
  14. the first release didn't survive first contact with the users . Just re-uploaded 1.0.1199.2138 which fixes the issue with the Chart auto subscribe feature
  15. BACKFILL - you can now select "Smart Source Selector" as the backfill source. MT will then automatically decide which backfill source to use based on current quote source, Open portfolios, Configured sites and lastly, backfill source that doesn't require a login. This is particularly useful for people using multiple sources of data at the same time. CHARTS - up to now, if you enter a symbol into a chart and wanted the chart to get updates, that symbol had to be in a portfolio receiving quotes. Now the chart will automatically start receiving Level I updates for the symbol using the same Smart Source Selector logic used in the Backfill feature above. So if you enter a symbol on a chart that is not in any portfolios, it should still work. Please let me know if you encounter any issues with either of these features
  16. the difference in the amount of work between doing fully customizable and a bunch of lists is pretty significant. I would rather not devote more time to this than is really needed.
  17. what if instead of fully customizable, I just give you a list of predefined formats to choose from? For example, Format1 (current) = <SYMBOL> <LAST> (<PERIOD>/<FREQ>) B:<BID> A:<ASK> Format 2 might be <SYMBOL> (<PERIOD>/<FREQ>) <CHANGE> etc
  18. I haven't done it up to this point because the symmetrical nature of that screen makes it a real pain to deal with custom sized columns. So it hasn't been a high priority. You can control which columns are shown though.
  19. Enhanced the Sync Open Charts options a bit. Added options to sync just indicators, Colors, Period, or Frequency
  20. Just implemented ability to change font sizes on the main quote grid and fixed some oddities with font size changing on Level II and Raw Data. CTRL + and CTRL - are quick ways to increase/decrease the font size (same as in most browsers) though we do have the obligatory buttons on the ribbon for it as well
  21. FYI - the IB Level II was not working for the past week or so in MT. I just fixed and put up the new configuration file. CheckUpdates should pick it up. Restart MT to have the change take effect.
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