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Jerry Medved

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Everything posted by Jerry Medved

  1. I checked and do not see the problem, which implies it is account specific. Most likely IB's "ambiguous" error where the same symbol with SMART exchange is actually representing a couple different securities. I need to get the log file to see what the problem is. Please do the following: stop quotes on the portfolio Set log level to 200 on bottom right of the dashboard. Start quotes with IB on the portfolio with the 3 problem symbols. Wait 15 sec or so until quotes start updating on the other symbols. go to FILE / Export Settings. Leave the checkboxes already checked, and also check LOG FILE. Export, then email me the exported file please. NOTE: Change log level back to 10, or you will see things slow down a lot.
  2. right now the Historical request from Yahoo is not returning data for #EUR.USD currency. Yahoo has multiple systems and they seem to have different rules for what data each returns. Will check others.
  3. Raw data window is passive. It doesn't subscribe to the data from the datafeed. It just shows what is coming in already. The symbol must be either in the portfolio /watchlist, or have a chart open in order to get data.
  4. I added it to the list of sources for us to add in the future. Though they don't list the API, I assume they have one since they support 3rd party software. Can't commit to any timeline though
  5. got your files. There was a general issue with the way MT was parsing the API quotes from Yahoo. Fixed and sent you a version.
  6. if you are having problems without the HTML option, then set the log level to 200 (bottom right of the main dashboard. Then refresh the portfolio, then go to FILE / Export Settings. Leave the checkboxes already checked, and also check LOG FILE. Export, then email me the exported file and the YAHOO*.HMTL files in the following folder: C:\Users\<Your Windows Login here>\AppData\Local\2GK\Medved Trader\Temp\Streamers\
  7. with HTML option selected, the OPEN will not be updated, so the open you have is from whenever it was last retrieved. try turning off the HTML quote option. should work OK. MT will automatically switch to HTML quotes for symbols that it knows need that.
  8. you have "Use HTML Quotes" checked on SETTINGS / DATA SOURCES / CONFIGURE ACCOUNTS - with Yahoo selected. With HTML quotes, MT does not get OPEN data (it is not on their quote).
  9. by default, MT is set to get real-time updates for the historical charts. What that means is that the last candle is computed from the intraday quote's OPEN, HIGH, LOW, LAST values. NOTE: from the quote, NOT from the intraday charts. What you described means that either the quotes are not updated or are incorrect. Do you have a portfolio open and getting quotes with for that symbol?
  10. Russell 2000 - no idea what the symbol would be on Yahoo or if it is supported. Do you know the Yahoo symbol for it? As for the Hist charts, MT is not able to get that data from Yahoo, IQFeed and IB support that data.
  11. because tiles have their own drag/drop functionality, it is not doable right now to add the drag/drop between containers. NOTE that CTRL+X (Cut) or SHIFT+DEL (Delete) both work on the selected tile
  12. emailed you a version with the excluded symbols
  13. BTW, note that when a quote is filtered, if you look at the raw data, it will show up there crossed out.
  14. Spike Filtering was recently added. I was just thinking that exceptions will need to be done for some symbols such as the TICK. Will do
  15. can you turn off spike filter and see if that fixes? SETTINGS / CHARTS / Spike Filter screen
  16. will have a fix in an update later today. Will email you one in a min.
  17. I added Multiplier handling to symbols. Updated the docs: http://forums.medvedtrader.com/index.php?/topic/1263-medved-trader-beta-instructions/ Will email you with the intraday build
  18. Giving it a new symbol would just be too easy. IB has to go with the multiplier. I will need to look at it. Since it is not trading yet, I assume there is no quote, so can't really test right now. Do you by chance know of another symbol that is only distinguished by the multiplier?
  19. @jetty, could you email me your settings and a chart showing where you expected the alert to trigger? Also, I assume you created the alert prior to that point? (MT doesn't do backtesting type alerts). Please do the following: go to FILE / Export Settings. Leave the checkboxes already checked, and also check LOG FILE. Export, then email me the exported file please.
  20. right now MT just has the crossing alert. We will be adding custom alerts, and there you will be able to do stuff like "if LAST > XYZ alert.."
  21. right click on the caption. Set default, and set default for all options should be in the system menu
  22. Jerry Medved


    You can get MT beta at http://www.medvedtrader.com/download Instructions are on that page as well. For IB, you need to have TWS running and you need to enable the API in TWS settings. Once that is done, MT should be able to connect. If you have any problems getting connected to TWS, let me know and I can go into more detail
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