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Mike Medved

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Everything posted by Mike Medved

  1. We didn't like the name "raindrop candles" and prefer to describe them by functionality instead of poetically.
  2. Benji, post away. We love to have feedback of users.
  3. Benji, in general, cleansing the feed is an art and since we connect to so many and each one does things differently, it is also voodoo.
  4. Odd lots can be included/excluded in MT in the settings - just search "odd" in settings. As for NEXTDAYCLR - I dont think that would be a problem with MT because its timestamp would get filtered out. If you see it included in MT although it shouldn't - tell us.
  5. Thanks for the report. We check for the quote conditions to exclude invalid ones, missed the TTEXEMPT one. Add it will be in next release.
  6. Beta is a calculation that requires you to have historical data for let's say 5 years for both the stock in question and an index against which you're calculating the beta. As such, it is really not something that can be done on mass basis, like a column in a portfolio. If you're a programmer, you could connect to our Websocket API in MT, get the data that is required and calculate the beta yourself. https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/070615/what-formula-calculating-beta.asp
  7. Tommy - please list the exact steps (and settings) that you use when you see a problem with the tracing.
  8. Next Beta (not this one, next one) will allow you to set the color for "Defining Lines".
  9. Added it to shortcuts under Charts - Clear Data. Unassigned by default.
  10. The problem is (for those who write paintbars) PaintbarInitialize is called FIRST. Then PaintbarClearState. If you initialize your state variable in PaintbarInitialize, the ClearState will wipe it out. I changed the functions' descriptions in the code to explain this.
  11. See that red wavy line under TodayLow? Put your mouse on it, it will tell you there is a problem. Basically secondary legs are never absolute-priced, they are always offset from the main order. So the Stop Price should be: offset(TodayLow-(((Ask-Bid)/2)+Bid+.04)) BTW: ((Ask-Bid)/2)+Bid is mid price right? There is a variable for it - Mid So it should be Mid+.04 Looks simpler.
  12. Well... You could add the parameters ScanNYSE etc but the scan parameters have to be numeric. So make them 0 or 1..
  13. Arg, the hotkeys/saved orders are not intended to be one symbol/chart specific. They apply to all charts that is why the variables in them can adopt to the different prices/positions/etc.
  14. You can make it appear in a chart window by giving it a color and a button text. Trade beads (I need to write help for them) - you turn them on the Trading tab in chart under "Trading Settings" - they show up on the right of the chart and you can set up to 20 beads. Then you can refer to them in hotkeys as bead(1) bead(2) etc.
  15. Right click is your friend in MT. RIght click anywhere on a symbol in portfolio or on a symbol's window. See also https://www.medvedtrader.com/trader/WebHelp/right-click_menus.htm
  16. Do you mean 100% 50% etc of the current position? Take a look at hotkeys/saved orders, making them a button is one of the options.
  17. I noted those spikes (mostly in QQQ and SPY) and am talking to dxFeed about the causes.
  18. Well - 1st, is it the same zigzag? If it is, displaying extra info is no problem.
  19. Well... I don't know what source you're using, but some sources return the average volume for the stock that you can then use from SymbolData.AvgVol. So - in that paintbar, change SetYValue(CurrentState.RegVol==0?0:CurrentState.AHVol*100/CurrentState.RegVol); to SetYValue(CurrentState.RegVol==0?0:CurrentState.AHVol*100/(SymbolData.AvgVol==0?1:SymbolData.AvgVol)); The ? : thing is just so that there is no division by 0 if there is no AvgVol in the data. .fctbNone{ col
  20. 1. You are doing SymbolData.Volume. NOTE: this is the current, at the moment, volume for the day. NOT the volume at the time the candle is processed in the paintbar. For scans, that is usually not relevant since they are always run on the last candle, but in the paintbar it is important. 2. Another reason for discrepancies between paintbar and scan/paintbar could be if their setups are not same. When you run a scan, you specify what candle size you're running it on and the extended hours setting. Make sure they match with the chart on which the paintbar is.
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