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Mike Medved

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Everything posted by Mike Medved

  1. MT does the same thing - the Last price's background in portfolio shows where in the daily range the current price is. You may have turned that off - the option is in Settings / Application / Appearance under "Color LAST According to Range".
  2. When your paintbar detects the condition, the current candle at which it just detected the condition is in the CandleNumber.
  3. Fore/background - no unfortunately not. The line is drawn on the chart "overlay" - a transparent panel over the chart. The reason for this is that the chart has to be allowed to change under the line. For efficiency's sake, MT's charts do not redraw the whole chart unless a new candle is drawn. When the current candle is updated, only the small vertical slice of the chart on the right containing the candle is redrawn. With indicators and regular paintbars that is no problem since whatever changes is also in that vertical slice and gets redrawn. But the SetLine lines may change over the whole chart, there is no restriction for that, so they cannot be drawn on the chart itself. They are instead drawn on the transparent overlay. This efficient drawing algorithm allows MT to handle massive number of simultaneous charts without overloading the computer. As for Shares Outstanding - try I think the shares outstanding is just a number.
  4. Silly me, through a fairly egregious oversight, managed to omit for release one of the better features of the hotkey editor - the autocomplete. We found out about it with the help of one of the users (thank you) and Jerry released a new beta that includes it.
  5. There is "Drop" and "Send" in the hotkey. If "Drop" is true, executing on the trade ticket, it fills in the trade ticket. If "Send" is true, it sends the order. If not, it doesn't.
  6. Email support@medvedtrader.com if you want to try it.
  7. Simple case: let's say you have several hotkeys that place a trade at 10% of current buying power. You could put that 10 into the global var and use the var in those hotkeys. Then if you wanted to switch it to be 15%, you would change it only in one place. More complex case: let's say you use the formula Pos>0?'Sell':Pos<0?'Buy':'None' in the Action of several of your hotkeys. Instead of having to put that there, you just create a variable in the global bars called PosAction that has that formula in it, then just use PosAction in your hotkeys' Actions.
  8. In next beta Hotkeys will now have "Global Variables" - that is a Vars section that will be shared by all hotkeys.
  9. Well, using charts effectively is such a subjective thing... As for hotkeys - we do have the Help file that explains them. Press F1 in the program or here: https://www.medvedtrader.com/trader/WebHelp/ If something is not clear, please ask here on the forum or in the email.
  10. Add a Horizontal line indicator. Edit its parameters. One of the options is Premarket High (or Premarket Low). So if you add two lines - one Premarket High the other Premarket Low, it will do what you want.
  11. As you draw a line or drag one of its anchors, pressing Shift will make the line horizontal.
  12. I just write'em I don't analyze'em. Seriously, that indicator is pretty complex. Can you look on some other platform what the results are and compare them to MT? If you can show me a discrepancy, I could look to see why it happens.
  13. Ok - there are two places. 1. Settings / Chart / General - set Max # of Days of Intraday Data to 120 2. Settings / Data Sources / Configure Accounts - set TD Ameritrade's backfill number of days to 120. I just did that and backfilled TSLA. My data on the chart now goes back to 4/9/2021
  14. Ok take latest install from the usual URL - it should be there.
  15. Jerry's out today. He will be in in the evening and put out a latest install that will have TodayLow, TodayHigh, TodayOpen, PrevClose, and for previous 3 candles BarOpen1 BarClose1 BarHigh1 .. 2 .. 3.
  16. Are you talking about the ribbon menu?
  17. Here you get into the differences specific to Hammer. Use the "BP" variable. If you type in BP into that field it will show it to you in the list of variables. It was shown wrong in Hammer help. I fixed that as well. Will be out Tuesday.
  18. Ah I misunderstood I thought you were saying some other window got deactivated. I will check on what you say.
  19. Btw it is nice to see people making full use of paintbars. It is one of the most powerful features of MT.
  20. Well yeah - when you click on a control on a window, it becomes active... Hotkeys are executed on the active window. But - your hotkey can be executed on tradeticket as well, no?
  21. You can hide the indicator legends... Also - you can add those two paintbars combined on a separate top chart. Wouldn't that do what you want?
  22. Mike Medved


    I could add that as an indicator but it could be easily added as a paintbar... This would be the code of the paintbar: .fctbNone{ color:#000000; } .fctbStyle5{ color:#0000ff; } .fctbStyle8{ color:#800000; } .fctbStyle9{ color:#000000; }public void MainCalculation() { SetColor("Line", SysColor.MainIndicator1); var ChangePer = (Close-Close[1])*100/Close[1]; SetYValue(ChangePer); }
  23. Will add under "ChartParameter" functionality.
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