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Mike Medved

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Everything posted by Mike Medved

  1. Added option "Align Candles on Hour" to Settings / Charts / Display. Default is true, but if you uncheck it, it will do what you want. Will be in next beta.
  2. Are you sure you don't have Period in that hotkey? I just tried this: And it just switches frequency... Ok i see it. If NoChange, it is not really NoChange If the period is NOT THERE it works as it should. Will fix. For now just remove the Period.
  3. This is for a historical chart, right? .fctbNone{ color:#000000; } .fctbStyle8{ color:#000000; } .fctbStyle5{ color:#0000ff; } .fctbStyle7{ color:#800000; } .fctbStyle6{ color:#808080; } .fctbStyle2{ color:#008000; }StateFIFOQueue Highs; Double AllTimeHigh = 0; public void MainCalculation() { AllTimeHigh = Math.Max(AllTimeHigh,High); Highs.Add(High); Double H,L; Highs.GetHighLow(out H, out L); SetColor("Line Color", Color.Green); if (H == AllTimeHigh) SetYValue(H); else SetYValue(YSkipValue); } /// <summary> /// Is called at start of paintbar calculation, should be used to initialize anything needed for the paintbar /// </summary> private void PaintbarInitialize() { Highs = new StateFIFOQueue(90); } /// <summary> /// Is called at start of paintbar calculation, should be used to clear the paintbar state /// </summary> private void PaintbarClearState() { Highs.Clear(); } /// <summary> /// Saves paintbar state (called internally). /// </summary> private void PaintbarSaveState() { Highs.SaveState(); } /// <summary> /// Restores paintbar state (called internally). /// </summary> private void PaintbarRestoreState() { Highs.RestoreState(); }
  4. Quote box shows the current quote for the stock. Trace box shows the data for the candle under the cursor. ... and you can move the boxes if they obscure things. You can also change what is displayed in the boxes.
  5. Press Shift as you're moving the mouse over the chart. The Trace box will show up and the full-chart crosshair. Click on the little gear on the Trace box and change it to "Always Show". You also have settings in Settings / Charts / General - under the Tracing section.
  6. I also changed the code so that the prices will be rounded to trading increments automatically.
  7. You create a hotkey, set the Order to be StopMarket, with the Stop Price of Price - 0.15. Then you assign a key to it. And execute it on a chart or on DOM etc..
  8. Bigbocarat, the "simple mode" is a little bit of a "reversed logic" because you use "and stop" on a condition that you don't want. Whereas in advanced you include the condition in the if statement that you do want.
  9. I hope (and presume) that by "current bar" you mean the last candle on the chart. Added: BarHigh BarLow and BarOpen - only for hotkeys executing on Chart windows.. Will be in next beta.
  10. https://www.medvedtrader.com/trader/WebHelp/variables_and_conditions_secti.htm look for round, floor, ceil functions and their variants.
  11. "pwd". I will change it to accept "password" as well. Sorry about that.
  12. Was screwed up at some point. Fixed will be in next beta release.
  13. Put your cursor on the line of the oval. Right click. In the parameter popup that shows, check the "Fill Color" checkbox, change the color and opacity.
  14. Well the most common placeholder really is [DESC] which I would need to generate using bogus data.. I will look at it.
  15. Since the entered text contains place holders that need to be inserted, and I would need to generate bogus data in order to do that, I just decided to put a phrase in, since the point there is to test the voice and speed... Overlaps: if not checked, the spoken phrases will be sequential. That is, if two alerts are triggered very close to each other, the speech from the two will not overlap. I will put in a ( ? ) in there to explain it.
  16. Doug: yes and Fadde Dance: it is available right now. Go to our web site and download/install the beta version.
  17. Well, was the 9am candle Green? Because if it was, then it would show green band. Export your paintbar and send it to us support@medvedtrader.com
  18. Ah ok. I misunderstood. Boolean Green9AMCandle; DateTime PrevTimeStamp; public void MainCalculation() { var Cutoff = TradingDay.SessionStart.AddMinutes(-30); if (Timestamp >= Cutoff && PrevTimeStamp<=Cutoff) { Green9AMCandle = Open>Close; } PrevTimeStamp = Timestamp; if (Green9AMCandle) { ... do something here... } }
  19. "How can I check if a candle close is greater than a candle open at 9am EST" - the "candle close" in that statement - is that at 9am or is it current? If current - then this code: (make sure you run it with extended hours turned on) Double At30MinBeforeSessionStart=0; // Open of first candle that shows up at 30 minutes or less before session start DateTime PrevTimeStamp; public void MainCalculation() { var Cutoff = TradingDay.SessionStart.AddMinutes(-30); if (Timestamp >= Cutoff && PrevTimeStamp<Cutoff) { At30MinBeforeSessionStart= Open; } PrevTimeStamp = Timestamp; // this checks if current Close is greater than the Open at 9am if (Timestamp >= TradingDay.SessionStart && Close > At30MinBeforeSessionStart) // checks if in regular session AND close > open-at-9am { ... do something here... } }
  20. It can be done pretty easily - but not directly. The thing is, the paintbar/scan always runs through ALL the candles it has before it starts chugging on incoming data with the last candle only. So look at this. Note that I am doing the PrevTimestamp thing just to make sure it records the first candle at after 10 minutes after session start - in case there is no candle exactly at 10 min after session start. Modify it to change the time you're checking. Double At10MinAfterSessionStart=0; // Close of first candle 10 minutes after session start or after DateTime PrevTimeStamp; public void MainCalculation() { var Cutoff = TradingDay.SessionStart.AddMinutes(10); if (Timestamp >= Cutoff && PrevTimeStamp<Cutoff) { At10MinAfterSessionStart = Close; } PrevTimeStamp = Timestamp; }
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