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Jerry Medved

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Everything posted by Jerry Medved

  1. Jerry Medved

    How do I?

    Portfolio and Level II windows have a source combo box on top left, on the ribbon. You can just select the quote source there. Any source specific configuration can be done on MT SETTINGS/ Configure Accounts screen
  2. only if you have a Windows 8 tablet (NOT Windows RT). And would get expensive (data)
  3. Emailed you. Do not have eSignal support at this time. Can use IB.
  4. We are adding indicators as we go along. There is no "all" target since new indicators can be added at any time. Don't have specific deadline for getting the indicators that were previously available in QT. If there is some specific one that you can't live without, let us know - we can probably implement it sooner rather than later.
  5. Yahoo does not return bid/ask on some symbols for their delayed quotes. There is nothing we can do about it. For example, here is a CSV response "ETFC",20.16,20.15,20.16,20.18,19.83,"1/3/2014","12:35pm","E*TRADE Financial",19.86,19.81,1365954,19.86,9.09 "C",N/A,N/A,53.04,53.19,52.31,"1/3/2014","12:35pm","Citigroup, Inc. C",52.39,52.27,14251982,53.68,40.28 "BAC",N/A,N/A,16.47,16.50,16.23,"1/3/2014","12:35pm","Bank of America C",16.27,16.10,82193576,15.98,10.98 "SCHW",N/A,N/A,25.87,26.04,25.70,"1/3/2014","12:35pm","Charles Schwab Co",25.84,25.82,1547284,26.08,14.98 "IBKR",24.35,24.34,24.35,24.71,24.26,"1/3/2014","12:34pm","Interactive Broke",24.46,24.52,165885,25.03,13.57 "GS",N/A,N/A,178.04,178.67,176.22,"1/3/2014","12:35pm","Goldman Sachs Gro",176.35,176.89,944738,178.38,130.32 "TWTR",N/A,N/A,69.6901,70.43,68.432,"1/3/2014","12:35pm","Twitter, Inc. Com",68.95,67.50,21510576,74.73,38.80 "GOOG",1108.67,1108.1801,1108.4301,1116.9301,1105.27,"1/3/2014","12:35pm","Google Inc.",1115.00,1113.12,813324,1121.00,695.52 "FB",54.86,54.85,54.85,55.65,54.61,"1/3/2014","12:35pm","Facebook, Inc.",55.00,54.71,25396320,58.58,22.67 "AMZN",397.85,397.63,397.72,402.71,397.00,"1/3/2014","12:35pm","Amazon.com, Inc.",398.29,397.97,1146164,405.63,245.75 "AMTD",N/A,N/A,30.68,30.705,30.34,"1/3/2014","12:34pm","TD Ameritrade Hol",30.47,30.43,412502,30.73,17.46 "AAPL",543.66,543.56,543.55,553.70,543.036,"1/3/2014","12:35pm","Apple Inc.",553.00,553.13,7460859,575.14,385.10 Notice the N/A for some fields. Those are bid, ask
  6. Jerry Medved

    Beta User

    @kulkan - Emailed you
  7. y, MDI windows are always an option, though we really aren't crazy about this type of interface. Plus, I am not sure if that would even work with our setup since each of MT's windows is in it's own thread, which might not work with standard MDI
  8. just click on the NEW CHART button on the ribbon or change one of the existing charts to whatever symbol you want
  9. MT stuff is not IB specific And as far as the entry being for 1/1, that was intended. It goes by the start date/time of the session. The session is normally from 5 PM to 4:15 PM Central time. The holiday override is for the 1/1 session to start at 05:00 AM instead, which would put it on 1/2
  10. I meant to restart after "check updates" shows no updates. MT is set to auto update some files, but the changes do not take affect till after restart. Another thing you can check is if you go to Timeframes, select CME GLOBEX and see if you have New Years+ in there (with a +)
  11. if no updates, then you got updated already. MT version will not change. did you check the chart?
  12. y, I didn't have the partial day defined, but when I did define it,t here seems to be a problem with it, so there will need to be a code fix, not just a timeframe definition change. [edit] - I stand corrected. I can add the partial day OK. will update.
  13. ok, can you do this 1) Stop all quotes 2) Set logging to 200 (there is a combo box on the Dashboard for it) 3) Backill Wait a minute. If it does not fill, go to FILE/Export and select the "To share with others" option. On the left side, select User Settings and the Log file. Don't need to select the other sections. Export, and send mt the export file. Thanks
  14. I don't see how that can happen. MT doesn't care what machine TWS is on - doesn't even know about it. What makes you think that the reason for the problem is the different machine? What specific symbol were you backfilling?
  15. automated trading would not be in the near future.
  16. Yes, d is correct (for the default date format) As for the future date, I put in some kludge in MT date processing for Yahoo data to take care of the issue when Yahoo screws up. Will be in the next update
  17. Hmm, it seems that Yahoo is returning "12/31/2013", 10:10 PM as the time on the quote. MT is expecting the time to be UTC, so that is where the bad data is coming from. I will see if we can get it to return some specific timezone
  18. I see the Jan 1 on Level I quotes. Will check why. As for "23" - what do you mean? is it showing the number 23 or are you just abbreviating something? If just the number, then what do you have set on Options for the date format?
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