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Jerry Medved

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Everything posted by Jerry Medved

  1. Also, can you please send me your settings and data. go to FILE / Export Settings. Leave the checkboxes already checked, and also check QUOTE DATA Export, then send the file to me. NOTE: the file will be too big to email when you include the quote data. So easiest thing to do is send it using https://www.wetransfer.com/
  2. Can you please be specific. What shows 368.97? I cannot see your chart so I have no idea what you are referring to. Candle high? Candle last? Chart High? etc?
  3. Historical - IB - previous day - when I backfill, I get 207.82. Are you sure you cleared the data and backfilling with IB? Historical - IB - current day - I get 207.39 as well IF I Uncheck the RTH option for stocks Hist backfill. With RTH, the backfill returns 207.32. Intraday - I get 207.32 with IB backfill. It happened right at the open, so if your data is RT, not backfilled, it may be slight time difference and shown before market open. Set your chart to show extended hours - do you see it then? or if you clear current day data and backfill?
  4. if you clear data and backfill, does it show correctly?
  5. I think they just redesigned the web site. emailed you
  6. Last candle (current day) is a different story. If you have MT set to show real-time updates on historical charts (which is on by default), then the last candle is built from the intraday data - OPEN, HIGH, LOW and LAST. That overrides whatever is returned for the current day from the historical data source. So look at what those fields have in your portfolio for SPY.
  7. Yahoo is known for screwing up the data. Don't see any reason not to use Google.
  8. 1) what exactly is wrong? Just saying "wrong" means nothing. Are you referring to last candle? something else? 2) when you say no matter what backfill - are you clearing the data before backfilling with a new source?
  9. Eldon, help is not implemented yet. Being worked on right now. that is why the ? doesn't bring up anything. if you want a display comparable to QT, just use the regular GRID View. The tile views are new to MT. if you use tiles and set it to dynamic coloring, then the background of the tile becomes different shades of green or red, depending on how much the stock is up or down. If its 0.2% up, it will be a very dark shade of green. If it is 1.0% up, it will be brighter green. If it is 1.5% or higher, it will be bright green. Same thing on the negative side with red. Note - you can set one portfolio to use GRID view, another to use one of the tiles. So for example, you can setup one portfolio with index symbols and set them to use the simple tile view and hide the ribbon, then set your main portfolio for the regular Grid View (similar to QT)
  10. Yes, but that page doesn't let you specify symbols. That one is for indices only - refer to my earlier reply
  11. Yes, that one - forgot to add it to the list, but you are replying to the thread which talks about the fix TradingRoom - I know they do let you request quotes on specific symbols, but those pages are huge and it would not be practical to use them
  12. Commsec indices should update in the new version that was released earlier today. You tried? As for TradingRoom - we don't have Index specific stuff in MT right now and do not want to add sources that don't let you specify the symbols.
  13. if I have to guess, your chart is set to US Equities timeframe. Try changing to Australian Equities. Also, XJO is an index, so you should enter it into the portfolio as $XJO:ASX Otherwise, when MT tries to backfill, it will not work. with $XJO:ASX symbol, MT is able to backfill with Google for both intraday and EOD and should properly default timeframes If Yahoo is selected as backfill source, then the first time you would need to select "Backfill As" and enter $AXJO:ASX as the Backfill As symbol, since AXJO is what Yahoo uses.
  14. You might not have backfill, but if you leave MT running collecting data, the candles should show. The quotes update in the portfolio, right?
  15. I looked and could have sworn that XJO was working with Commsec. Are you getting the quotes in MT for it?
  16. was thinking of how to do indices, and just figured I would kill a whole bunch of birds with one stone Unique per portfolio - yes, I was thinking of that. Right now it is stored per window, so if you set it on a particular window, it will always come up that way. If you change portfolios within the window, the tile view remains. Will see about that. Preview - that would be way more trouble than its worth. You can just set the tile view, and change it back to trid or whatever other tile view. We do offer the picture of the tile for each view as the preview. As for the need to hit OK after selecting - note that you can also double click. This is actually consistent with the other selection options that use this same selection type (Backfill for example). Click on a tile - With tiles I have a bit less flexibility for various actions. There is no click vs double click, or click on "Symbol" as would occur on a grid. So right now the default action on click is a chart. Exceptions are: 1) if you click on a news bulb, news opens 2) if you click on an alert indicator, alert editor opens 3) (NOT RELEASED YET) on another view where there is BID/ASK sections on the tile, clicking on the section initiates the corresponding trading options (if you have clicking on bid/ask to initiate trading enabled in your trading settings) Not sure how to handle the linked symbols when charts are selected.
  17. you can send the log manually using whatever program you want go to FILE / Export Settings. Leave the checkboxes already checked, and also check LOG FILE. Export, then email me the exported file please.
  18. if you click on the transactions and hit F5. does it show? Send log
  19. is the transaction display filtered?
  20. can you give it a try now and let me know if it works
  21. I am checking on this. I assume this is for IB.
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