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Medved Trader Forums

Jerry Medved

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Everything posted by Jerry Medved

  1. we plan to do that later as part of chart trading
  2. you can just hit CTRL+ PLUS keys to increase the font, so you can hit that multiple times. you don't have to use the VIEW ribbon. As for the icons, those are standard Windows icons for font size (look at Word) As for BOLD, will see.
  3. Links to message boards, etc - y, will do that a bit later. Trading accounts should definitely remember login info. I doubt if you are doing anything wrong - I can't really think of anything you can do that would cause it to NOT save. will email you
  4. Just emailed you. If you know QuoteTracker, you will love MT and should find it pretty intuitive
  5. Jerry Medved

    How Do I

    or hold down SHIFT or CTRL+SHIFT
  6. 1) no. the entering new symbol has nothing to do with its location or its current selection. 2) Fixed it - if port has consolidate on and you delete a symbol, it should remove all instances of that symbol. Will be in the next release.
  7. if you minimize a portfolio window, is still retrieving quotes. you would want to just close the window
  8. Willy, MT is only supposed to subscribe to the open portfolios, plus any open charts. If you have Positions open, or Transactions view with open transactions, those would be subscribed as well. If you are getting a situation where the # of symbols subscribed does not seem to be right, please email me the settings + Log as well as a description of what is going on, and a screen shot if you can get it: go to FILE / Export Settings. Leave the checkboxes already checked, and also check LOG FILE. Export, then email me the exported file please.
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