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Jerry Medved

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Everything posted by Jerry Medved

  1. 1) overnight gap - assuming this is for AU stocks, i think all quotes are only during RTH, no? if you don't get any quotes outside of RTH, then I think you would want to set the alert to ignore first 1 min of the market, assuming you will get at least one gap quote during that min 2) as for turnover alert, I plan to add a generic multi-criteria, column alert. That would take care of this request
  2. 1) Backfill - we recently added improvements with auto backfill. it will only backfill if the data is not up to date or has gaps, so if you add symbols then view charts, it will backfill. If you view charts on stuff that already has been backfilled, it will either skip backfill or only backfill the minimum needed to update the chart, vs backfilling the everything as it did before 2) On the portfolio editor, you can check the "Consolidate" button on the bottom left of the portfolio. That will make it so only 1 symbol is shown even if multiple instances of it are entered.
  3. can you please export the settings and email them to us (refer to the first reply)
  4. the current front month is not H. It is M I believe. The symbol would be @YMM15 Does that work?
  5. Next build will have that 1) Initial setup will detect if QT is installed and if so, prompt for it or 2) if you select IMPORT and for type, select old QT Portfolios and point it at the PORT.XML file (Quotetracker directory), it will detect it and give you choices of portfolios to import
  6. The Price Channel indicator does this
  7. the above is in reference to a corporate environment running on Active Directory, which does automatic syncing of various user files so a user can login on any computer in the company and have all their settings there, The syncing is not done by MT itself and is not relevant to most home setups.
  8. but that is not the question. "Do you want to save changes before closing" means that if you hit Y, you exit and save. If you hit N, you exit and don't save. But you exit either way. With the current one - if you say you do NOT want to discard changes, it doesn't close.
  9. Tim, this is the same thing that you had back in February and in June '14. This happens when the Windows OS gets corrupted. Can you make sure you have the latest .NET version, and also (unrelated) - the MT version you have - update - last night's update didn't upload correctly so still running previous one that had some issues
  10. Notes are edited in the portfolio editor.
  11. The symbol in MT will be @CAC40K15:MONEP However, you will need a new version of MT for it to work. I just emailed you
  12. @paddy and @Stephsancho1984 - emailed you
  13. the settings are synced now. As for the data, because the data file can frequently get to be multiple gigabytes, we put it in the "Local" folder instead of the "Roaming" one.
  14. Ok, I see - the other time PREVIOUS versions prompted is if there was a problem detected that would be fixed by consolidation. I changed it so in that situation, a prompt is not shown.
  15. I would consider it, but the question is - how would they be triggered? for intraday everything revolves around incoming Level I quotes. Historical are a bit different. The last bar CAN be built from intraday, but doesn't have to. Backfill is the primary method of updates. Backfills only occur when you open the chart, unlike intraday where the data is coming in all the time. Historical charts don't show gaps in the data either, which impacts the slope of the charts. All of these would have to be addressed in order to get trendline alerts on historical
  16. Hmm, I need to check the code - the file size is not supposed to grow Basically, the data file is organized in chunks (pages) of data. MT allocates more and more as they are needed. As some data is cleared, those chunks are then flagged as free and re-used before other new ones are allocated. The file never shrinks. If you for example clear all data right now, you will have almost all pages empty but the file will still be 500 MGB. Well, consolidate basically creates a new file, copies only the used pages, which should result in a much smaller file.
  17. if you open the chart for the total row, the data on there doesn't get reset, right? What if you add the HIGH/LOW lines (horizontal lines pegged to high/low). Do they show in correct locations? I tried inere with Yahoo configured to get ASX data and timeframe and didn't see any issue. Could you send me your settings? go to FILE / Export Settings. Leave the checkboxes already checked, and also check LOG FILE. Export, then email me the exported file please.
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