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Mike Medved

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Everything posted by Mike Medved

  1. Ok, I compared what QT and MT show for Renko with SharpChart's Renko: 1. QT apparently does Renko based on High/Low - if you compare QT's SPY Renko with box 0.25 to http://stockcharts.com/h-sc/ui?s=SPY&p=D&yr=0&mn=3&dy=0&id=p34684034574 - you will see that it matches. 2. MT does Renko based on Close - if you compare MT's SPY Renko with box 0.25 to http://stockcharts.com/h-sc/ui?s=SPY&p=D&yr=0&mn=3&dy=0&id=p29744363754 - you will see that it matches I guess we should give the "Based On" option in MT. Will see.
  2. In non-time-based charts, the ticks are done on arbitrary intervals (obviously, there are no regular intervals) with the criteria being: even X distance (in pixels), as many as possible, and non-overlapping of labels.
  3. HMA is in the list of indicators available in MT now.
  4. Was just the line colors. Fixed - next release.
  5. Thank you. Repeated the bug. Fixed. Will be in next release.
  6. Ok there is a problem with AMTD streamer when you change that setting on the fly while streamer is running. You have to stop/start the portfolio in order for the setting to take effect. We will fix it. When the stuff was stopping for you before Jerry suggested the timesales turn on/off - were you fiddling with the Stream Tick quotes option when it was stopping?
  7. Volume: I didn't want to adjust to the highest volume on the chart always, because sometimes that volume is hugely higher than all others (as in your example) and the chart of volumes becomes worthless - basically a flat line with one bar sticking out. The way the Y axis is adjusted right now is, it takes the minimum of: Average volume for the visible part times 10 Max volume for the visible part time and uses it as the max Y for the chart. If you can think of a better method to do this, please feel free to suggest it.
  8. ... to follow up on Jerry's post, fix will be in next release.
  9. Indicator values will always show 4 just because they are computed and never really fall on neat boundaries. Last price is usually on 1-cent divisions for regular stocks. At the time it showed, should the price have shown more than 2 after decimal point?
  10. For the Y axis labels, it depends on the increment. Can you point out which value you're talking about?
  11. What is the difference between Time Series Forecast and Linear Regression Forecast (right now the TSF is calculated using one candle forward. Is that what you mean by "Forecast period" - varying that?) As far as I can tell from googling, the difference between "Time Series Forecast" and "Linear Regression Forecast" is that the TSF is performed on the candle values while LRF is performed on the MA. Is that correct?
  12. There was a problem with trendlines. It was fixed in one of the latest releases (Jerry can tell you in which one exactly).
  13. Everything is possible The two questions are: whether it can be done efficiently, and whether there is demand for it or whether it is industry standard. Frankly, I have never seen this done anywhere, and one of the reasons probably is that it cannot be done efficiently and would drastically slow the chart down on which it was applied... Maybe we will revisit this later when MT is in production.
  14. Mike Medved


    There is, in the last install. Only for intraday. VWAP for historical charts is coming.
  15. I can add "mirror" option - which will clone the line mirroring it. Where should I place the mirrored line? So that the center (mid point between anchors) matches?
  16. There is a problem with your suggestion - the coordinates of points on "candlestick" charts do not match the coordinates of points on "tick candlestick" charts. The "candlestick" charts are time-based, with X chart representing time smoothly. The others are not time-based, so matching a point on one with a point on the other is non-trivial. It is done in the case of non-time-based charts' annotation anchor points, but it is done by jumping through hoops and cannot be done efficiently enough to run thousands of points through it.
  17. Please expand on this. Or link to something that describes it.
  18. Correct. I screwed up. Will be correct in next release.
  19. There will be a "Histogram" option in CCI parameters.
  20. Check the "Pressure Bars" indicator.
  21. Here's the problem... MT on historical charts has no idea whether a day should or could have had trades or not. It just takes whatever sequence of dates (and prices) it is fed and shows it. To figure out whether a particular date is a trading day or not is a bit of a pain, especially when you go back more than just a hundred days or so. I just took a look at how other sources show it. Same problem. Example: http://www.google.com/finance?chdnp=1&chdd=1&chds=1&chdv=1&chvs=maximized&chdeh=0&chfdeh=0&chdet=1389819600000&chddm=13294&chls=IntervalBasedLine&q=OTCMKTS:PMFI&ntsp=0&ei=z9LlUvjvIYmW7AH3fw
  22. Ok, fixed, will be in next release.
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