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SCHWAB integration - RELEASED BETA! (NOTE: some limitations)

Jerry Medved

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This is getting aggravating, and no I'm not blaming MT, I'm blaming Schwab. Accounts that use any API should have never been converted until these issues were ironed out.

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Hi Jerry.  I know you are currently very busy with the Schwab API issue.  However, I would like to ask for a feature when you have time.  I currently use the VWAP indicator on the daily charts with the "Anchored" parameter.  The "Anchored parameter is not available on intraday charts where I like to use the 1 hour and 15 minute timeframes. Could you add the "Anchored" parameter to intraday charts?

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2 hours ago, Jerry Medved said:

UPDATE: Streaming issues (OPTIONS, LEVEL II, Account Activity) have been resolved. UPDATE TO THE LATEST (1.1.9932.310 or higher)

Hallelujah! 😀


Edited by ydfah
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Morning Jerry,

Thanks for help on all this. Updated MT and am seeing no difference in streaming data as compared to before.  Streaming data/TS still aggregated per second.  I compared to TOS and DXfeed to confirm. 


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3 hours ago, Jerry Medved said:

UPDATE: Streaming issues (OPTIONS, LEVEL II, Account Activity) have been resolved. UPDATE TO THE LATEST (1.1.9932.310 or higher)

Many Thanks!

Noticing we still do not have a news feed option from Schwab so none of my "new news alerts" are active yet.  Is that in the works?

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7 minutes ago, Doug Hayman said:

Jerry, DOM micro future quotes (e.g., MESM24) still hang regularly on the DOM (not in Level 1 Portfolio screens).  Doesn't hang for stocks/ETF's though.

If you do add to port, does it fix?


1 minute ago, burp said:

Only getting top bid ask on L2  no other MMs are showing

this for stocks? which ones? cause I did check and it is working.

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4 minutes ago, burp said:

Only getting top bid ask on L2  no other MMs are showing

The same was happening on my setup.  I changed the L2 Symbol and then changed it back again.  It all came up!!! 

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2 minutes ago, Simoni3 said:

The same was happening on my setup.  I changed the L2 Symbol and then changed it back again.  It all came up!!! 

Ha that worked for me too thanks


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So i logged out of MT and relogged in to see if it just needed a reset..but same issue...L2 only showing top bad /ask.. I have to changed symbol and the reneter and it will populate the other MM's bid ask


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So i noticed that on the data sources/configure accounts I can't change it from DXfeed to Schwab.. When i click on Schwab it wont give me the highlight the "apply" tab. only the OK and Cancel work and it reverts back to dxfeed


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8 minutes ago, Jerry Medved said:

Please give me the symbols that exhibited that behavior. there may be a change that I need to do for some symbols on some exchanges.

The symbols which had problems initially were ATGN & ORGO.

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6 minutes ago, burp said:

So i noticed that on the data sources/configure accounts I can't change it from DXfeed to Schwab.. When i click on Schwab it wont give me the highlight the "apply" tab. only the OK and Cancel work and it reverts back to dxfeed


SETTINGS screen is used for configuring accounts, not for selecting them.   If you want to change the quote source for a portfolio, you do it on top of the portfolio window, MAIN tab on the toolbar.  Same goes for Level II, DOM, Depth Chart.  

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