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Jerry Medved

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Everything posted by Jerry Medved

  1. Not at this time. I was planning to rework the column stuff on those 2 screens, but not likely to be soon due to the workload.
  2. y, that previous fix actually introduced another bug. we reverted that and fixed it again today (after the beta). I just emailed you.
  3. Yesterday there was an issue with TDA. not aware of any today. Force Relogin on the Dashboard/sources would usually do it. If not, email support@medvedtrader.com
  4. Move the mouse over the Y axis. MT will highlight the Y axis. Click and drag down.
  5. The MT Trailing stop alert works basically the same way as it did in QT. Just select Trailing stop alert. Lets say you bought AAPL at 106 just now. You want to do a trailing stop alert, trailing by 2 points. You would select Alert when the price reaches [BELOW] a recent high by [ 2 ] [POINTS] MT will track it (this alert tracks data across sessions, so it will continue even if you restart MT). Initial trail price will be 106. If AAPL goes up to 107 (setting a recent high), then starts dropping, it will then trigger the alert when it hits 105 (which is 2 points below the recent high) As for specific price - just set a PRICE CROSSING UP/DOWN alert at a specific point. If the price crosses that point, on the way Up, or Down or either (depending on your setting) it will trigger the alert.
  6. 1) the beta version has a big red EXIT tile on the dashboard window, as well as on the dashboard dropdown on all windows 2) you can add the exit button to any portfolio window or dashboard window caption. Select FILE menu and RIGHT-Click on the red Exit button and select "Add to Quick Access Toolbar"
  7. QuoteTracker got that data from a completely different source, regardless of which quote source was selected. We do not have access to that source
  8. not all sources return data for all fields. TD Ameritrade does not return for those. As for TradeKing, the regular TK datafed does (both fields). The MB Trading one does not, and that is the one you are using. In general I like the MB one better but there are some fields that are not returned by it. I did send out an inquiry to see if maybe we can get that. Also, I just emailed you about your account...
  9. Which sort are you looking for? Symbols or portfolios?
  10. there is no sort function on the portfolio edit screen. For re-ordering portfolios themselves, you drag the portfolios up/down within the list For the symbols, you can sort symbols on the portfolio itself, not the port edit. On the portfolio grid, just click on the column header by which you wish to sort the symbols
  11. hahahha. Don't think you would appreciate TDA buying us out again. Not with their track record of buying and killing software. To quote another one of our clients: " Thank you for saving me from the Think or Swim program, a Sherman Tank for cruising the highway. Just not very nimble. " TDA usually does updates Thursday night, so you should have 2 days.
  12. EMA - not able to recreate here. Mine goes away when I uncheck. Could be something specific to your settings. Please send them to me: go to FILE / Export/Backup menu (from Dashboard or Portfolio) Select “To share with others” export file protection option on top right Leave the checkboxes already checked. Export, then email me the exported file please.
  13. Refer to the edit note - please update the beta again and let me know if any problems after that.
  14. http://www.medvedtrader.com/beta F1 in MT should have online help on PB, but we will have more coming EDIT: NOTE: the initial release last night resulted in all candles showing up red. We already fixed it and updated the beta release. If you have that issue, just download again.
  15. there are a couple ways to do that 1) Assuming you have "Group Transactions" checked on the VIEW tab of the Account View window, you can just collapse the group showing filled/canceled orders 2) on the MAIN tab, you can filter the transactions - so just select "All Open" option in the Status selection in the filter section.
  16. Note that we have a number of different options with the ribbon toolbar: 1) Always visible.... 2) Minimized - so only the tabs are visible and the ribbon itself doesn't show until you click on the tabs. To get this, double click on one of the tabs. 3) Hidden entirely (Hit F11 or the Show/Hide ribbon button on the chart caption in the QAT (Quick Access Toolbar) Also, particularly if using Minimized or hidden ribbon, does not mean you can't access the buttons on that ribbon easily. Lets say you use some particular button frequently. Add Indicators for example. Right click on it. Select "Add to Quick Access Toolbar". Now hide the ribbon. note that the button is now in the QAT available for you even when the ribbon is hidden. Same can be done for almost anything on the ribbon. Many people do that for the drawing tools for example.
  17. maybe I am missing something but what indicator exactly are you using? MT does not have anything named Donchian Channel
  18. QT is being run in old windows compatibility mode. If you notice MT buttons are no different than any other Windows 10 window.
  19. Horizontal scroll bar cannot be disabled. Setting it to 3 pixels is the best you can do on that. The large buttons are standard Windows (you must be using Win 10. Don't have any way to control that. There may be something in Windows for that, though they certainly don't make it easy. I found this: http://winaero.com/blog/how-to-reduce-title-bar-height-and-size-of-window-buttons-in-windows-10/ though there may be others
  20. Seems that the API agreement is a general thing TK requires first time you access the account via the API. I actually meant to create another account myself so I can go through the process again and see where that pops up. Jumping jack alerts?
  21. Virtual Destops messes with Windows positions to simulate the desktops. Because of the way MT creates each window in it's own thread, it has to do its own window management and my guess is that the stuff virtual desktip os doing is interfering with the stuff MT is doing. You can turn off MT's stuff, but that will make it a bit harder to manage windows, depending on how you lay them out. in MT go to SETTINGS / APPLICATION / GENERAL. In the OTHER section, uncheck the "Bring All Windows to Front When One Window is clicked". NOTE: If you do that, I strongly suggest checking both checkboxes for the "Separate Task Bar Icon.... ". Otherwise you will end up losing windows behind others with no easy way to get them back
  22. News comes from whatever sources you select 1) The Fly - are you subscribed? 2) the "All Portfolios" option is checked for all 3? How many symbols are in all the portfolios 3) What symbol for example?
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