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Jerry Medved

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Everything posted by Jerry Medved

  1. Yahoo is delayed data - no bid/ask
  2. we are just showing what is being returned. Not computing it, so nothing we can do. In general, the Level I bid/ask and bid/ask size are the NBBO, so it would definitely not match up to the total # of orders on the level II at any particular level, and as far as comparing to the top row in Level II, that depends on the selected sorting on L II
  3. ok, so for your purposes, the only issue with what we have now is that you cannot dock it, leaving it visible when you minimize the rest?
  4. FYI, as of the latest release, E*Trade US is now supported for streaming Level I data
  5. the version we released today supports E*Trade streaming Level I quotes
  6. And that is why BMO is not yet configured. Certainly can understand where most people would not do it. BMO is not likely to cooperate. If they did, it would be drastically easier. The account has to be one that logs in same as the regular accounts. Otherwise, it kind of defeats the purpose - we need the account so we can login and monitor what is sent, etc. so we can have MT send the same info (except the login info itself - that of course changes for every user ). If it is a live dummy account - regular account, but just not funded or minimal funds, we can certainly use that.
  7. Was hoping not to do that one. Not exactly a high demand item. Are you looking for an actual scrolling ticker tape or just something that can show the quotes in that format?
  8. that is because the quotetracker.com web site is back up
  9. Yes, same issue as with QT. One thing you can do is open a separate account. Maybe fund it with $10 (they may say there is a higher minimum, but it should still work). And set THAT account to be "Green". You may even be able to link the other accounts to it and still have it work. Then, login via the new Green account.
  10. I do not know what the requirements are for their stuff, so cannot tell for sure. If the account is "Green", some things can't be used, such as trading futures. I do not know about other details. however, if you change and then realize something doesn't work that you can't live without, you can change back.
  11. You mean that you get: <amtd> <result>FAIL</result> <error>Unable to authorize access.</error> </amtd> If so, then you have an "Orange" account, so you don't have API access. Would need to call Ameritrade to get it changed to "Green" Account. Happens overnight, so you won't have access till the following day (not sure if you do it today if it will happen by Monday or Tuesday)
  12. NOTE: We can unilaterally configure Market Data only. For trading, we will only configure sources where we have an explicit API for it available from the broker.
  13. To configure a site such as BMO, we need login access to get the quotes. In the past, we either had our own accounts (TD Ameritrade, Fidelity, E*Trade), or one of the users provided us with the access (All the other broker/Subscription sites). We do not have an account for this site, so we would need to get access from one of our users to set it up. That is how RBC and some others were configured If you would like to help us that way, we can get it up and running within a few days. We would set MT up and email you a version to test and so that you can change the password. If you would like to have us setup BMO for you, please email support
  14. 1) note that you don't actually have to place an order. You can just hit BUY or SELL button with an empty trade ticket. That is sufficient 2) if you want less prompts, why don't you select Once Per Session. If you then turn OFF the save password option in the MT Login on startup (you can select FILE / App Login to get to it), then that will count as the password entry. I did not want to waste space on the trade ticket in for the password field. Plus it is handled significantly differently in MT than in QT. MT has more security options and QT didn't have any security at all in some situations, like canceling an order or trading via IB.
  15. Volume % is one of the available columns. NOTE: Volume % is based on Average Volume, which not all sources return. (TDA does not) If not returned, but you open a historical chart (and thus backfill), MT will compute the average volume. I have it on my todo list to have that computation occur automatically in background independent of the historical chart.
  16. no way to attach, sorry
  17. Printing - not done yet. However, with MT, you can highlight multiple symbols, then right click and select COPY (or hit CTRL+C), then paste into Excel and print from there Saving chart to file - also not done, though you can either click on the chart and hit ALT+PrintScreen, or right click and select COPY to copy the image of the chart, which you can then paste into email, Paint, etc. and save. Indices - MT does not have an index panel, at least right now. However, MT lets you change the view of the portfolios to TILE view. So you can create another portfolio for just indices and open it along side your regular portfolio, switch to TILE View, and hide the ribbon (yes, ribbon can be hidden) and the status bar. Refer to this post for more on TIle view: http://forums.medvedtrader.com/index.php?/topic/1133-just-released-new-tile-views/?hl=tile
  18. E*Trade - we gave up waiting for them (on quotes API) and are working right now on getting MT working with the same streaming datafeed that their java applet uses on the site (same thing QT used). Should have something next week for quotes. Trading will be later. NOTE: the datafeed we are implementing will only have streaming Level I right now. If they get their official API to us, we will switch MT to use that. It will then have backfill and possibly other data.
  19. You can download the Medved Trader Install file: MTSetup.exe You need to register to use it (free), the link (open account) will be on the startup login screen, or https://www.medvedtrader.com/Trader/Reg/register.aspx ALL Input is welcome. We have already make quite a few changes based on direct end-user input. If you have any comments, questions, problems, please post here, or email us at support@medvedtrader.com Though at this point MT is pretty stable, ready for production, if you do get a popup error, PLEASE send it to us. If you click details, you can RIGHT-Click on the error text and select COPY. then just paste it into email. Also, please keep an eye out for a red triangle on the left side of the status bar that would show up on portfolio and dashboard windows. If it’s there, that means some error occurred. We would like to see a copy of the log file if that is the case. Easiest way to send the log file is to go to FILE/Export Settings menu. Leave the default checked boxes, and add also check “LOG FILE”. Export, then email us the exported file. NOTE: MT uses its own symbology, though pretty flexible in taking others. [TYPECODE]SYMBOL[:[EXCHANGE[$CURRENCY[*MULTIPLIER]]]] where stuff in brackets is optional depending on the symbol For example, @ESZ15:GLOBEX or just simply @ESZ15 since MT knows the exchange for most of the common futures symbols. MT uses the following type codes (prefixes on the symbol). For those familiar with QuoteTracker, these should be similar to the ones QT used: Stock = "" (nothing) Option = . Index = $ MutFund = _ Future = @ FutureOpt = ^ Warrant = ! Cash = # Bond = & Comodity = % CFD = ~ (not really supported yet) The SYMBOL portion is also standardized for Futures, Options and CASH (FOREX). FOREX: EUR.USD so a full symbol is #EUR.USD FUTURES: ESZ15 (Root, Month, 2 digit Year), so a full symbol would be @ESZ15 OPTIONS: ROOT_YYMMDDC##000.#### where C is C or P (call or Put) and ##000.#### represents the Strike price, were # are optional digits (only if needed) and 0 represents mandatory digits. For example: AAPL7 Mar 22 2014 515.0 Call would be: .AAPL7_140322C515.00 MT symbol format should always be used. MT will then auto convert everything as needed when requesting data from the datafeeds. Also, MT does automatic defaulting of the exchange for many common symbols. so you can enter either @ESZ15 or @ESZ15:GLOBEX. Either will work, as long as you don't enter both. NOTE: Interactive Brokers requires the multiplier to be specified for some symbols where there are two securities with the multiplier being the only distinction. In that case, you can add *## after the symbol separator, where ## is the multiplier. For example DAX futures can have multiplier of 25 (default if not specified) or 5. This can be entered as **** With 25 multiplier @DAXZ15 (this is same as @DAXZ15:*25 or @DAXZ15:DTB*25) **** With 5 multiplier @DAXZ15:*5 (this is same as @DAXZ15:DTB*5) Jerry Medved 2GK, Inc / Medved Trader
  20. Quote sources - you cannot remove sources, but you can select the ones you normally use to be shown at the top of the source list. Go to SETTINGS / DATA SOURCES / CONFIGURE ACCOUNTS. select the source you want to use, then check the checkbox for "Show at Top of Selection Lists" (checkbox is on the right side of the screen at the top). MT also sets that automatically when you actually use a specific source Font Size - on the VIEW tab on the ribbon (top of the portfolio window), there are font increase/decrease buttons on the left side. Or you can just hit CTRL + or CTRL - to Increase/decrease the font, same as you would in a browser.
  21. refer to this post where I replied to someone else with the same issue: http://forums.medvedtrader.com/index.php?/topic/1214-mt-beta-request/?p=7033 I emailed you download instructions for Medved Trader.
  22. Way back when, we sold QuoteTracker to TD Ameritrade. They basically killed it. Medved Trader is our new product. Seems that TDA killed www.quotetracker.com, which would be why the ads came back. Basically, yes, you do need to switch. If you are familiar with QuoteTracker, Medved Trader should be very easy for you to use. As far as settings, MT can import QT portfolios, but not other settings. I emailed you the beta instructions (our web site is not up yet, so don't have the download link openly available yet.
  23. MT makes a backup (by default) whenever it starts. Start MT. Select FILE / Import/Restore and navigate to the Backup folder (should start in My Documents \ Medved Trader and the backup folder is inside that. ) Select the last backup prior to the crash and import that.
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