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Jerry Medved

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Everything posted by Jerry Medved

  1. I just emailed you. As for TD Ameritrade account not working - the problem is that your TD Ameritrade account has been “Upgraded”, which ironically disables access to the API which all 3rd party applications use to communicate with TD Ameritrade servers. This can be as simple as enabling futures or advanced options or some other “Upgrade”. Another user said that the Ameritrade support guys didn’t know anything, but they “Downgraded” the account and that resolved the issue. Assuming you don’t need the “upgrade” on your account, you can call them and tell them to reverse or downgrade whatever is needed so the API will work. NOTE: Logging into Think Or Swim Software (TOS) WILL UPGRADE YOUR ACCOUNT, thus breaking access to the API, so Medved Trader will no longer be able to login. So don’t do it. If you still have a problem in MT and the exact same login works on the TD Ameritrade web site directly, you can easily check this situation - go to this URL: https://www.medvedtrader.com/trader/test/tdalogin.html it directs the login to TD Ameritrade API servers that MT uses. Logging in there is exactly the same as logging into TD Ameritrade via MT. If successful, it should show you some XML including your account number, login time, etc. If not, it will show brief XML saying Please try logging in with the same login you use in MT and tell me what you get. The following is what you would see in the browser window if login succeeded. If not, it would show something like: <amtd> <result>FAIL</result> <error>Unable to authorize access.</error> </amtd> Which means that your login cannot access API servers.
  2. I updated the GLOBEX timeframe. Once updated, if you want to see the data before this weekend without the missing 15 min from 17:00 to 17:15, just set the chart to show extended hours "always". If there are other timeframes that need updating due to this change, let me know.. MT will update itself and the change will take affect next time you restart. You can do FILE / HELP / CHECK UPDATES, update everything, then restart yourself to get the update faster.
  3. MT automatically removes orphan Portfolio, Trade Fill and Trendline alerts when it saves the alerts internally. Don't want to delete stuff when removed from portfolio because that is not a definitive situation. There can be other portfolios with the symbol, or just charts open, or positions in a trading account. Or a user can just be removing stuff to add back in later while managing the portfolios. May add an explicit option to remove individual symbol orphan alerts
  4. you can open multiple portfolio windows at the same time. if you don't need to see it, you can just minimize the 2nd portfolio. (as far as CPU usage, minimized portfolio takes almost nothing because the screen data does not need to be updated)
  5. portfolio tabs are not something we can do at this time. Not a small project and significant change to the UI. As for the update notification not coming up, send me the log file please
  6. don't have a way to do that. Even so, the new version will keep less data. Previously, it was keeping 120
  7. Yes, MT will clear out all data beyond the specified max. Wouldn't 90 days (more than 4 months) be more for Historical Charts? You could change the # and then backfill with IQFeed.
  8. if you re-install MT, it will find the files that where there before without doing anything else. If they are there. MT did create backups. If the regular files are not there, you can install MT, run it, then select FILE\Import and select the backup directory. Should be in My Documents\Medved Trader\Backup. The MT Import defaults to My Documents\Medved Trader\
  9. I ran with your settings. Didn't see anything particularly unusual. Didn't see any high CPU usage except in the first minute of running (that is normal). Kind of depends on the that you have. We did change some stuff in the data cleanup in MT in the last build so that should help, but not immediately. There are a few things you can do to help that. I assume based on the stuff you sent me that you don’t need to have 60 days of data. And certainly don’t need more than a few days of tick data.I think the most that you need is maybe 20. So • Go to SETTINGS / CHARTS / GENERAL screen. • Change the “Max # of days of intraday data” value to a 20. • decrease the “Compress Tick data to OHLC beyond X Days” setting to 3 (unless you need more for the volume/tick charts) • Restart MT and wait at least 2 minutes (cleanup of expired data doesn’t start till a minute after startup) • Then go to SETTINGS / CHARTS / GENERAL screen again and check the “Consolidate on next app start”, then restart again Having less days of data, and having it consolidated to OHLC vs TICK data (that comes in from Level I quotes) will significantly reduce memory usage. Please let me know if that helps. BTW, the multiple restarts above is just in order to speed up the process. Otherwise, MT will do it, but at it’s own pace.
  10. the install link would be the same as the one I gave you initially (emailed you again).. PandaSecurity - there should be a way to override whatever settings. Whats the point of having "Advanced" tech support to keep your computer running if you cannot run the programs you need on it?
  11. for some reason MT is not able to auto backup because windows is not allowing it to access folder: C:\Users\josep_000\Documents\Medved Trader\Backup\ I will fix it so it doesn't kill MT. But meanwhile, do go; 'C:\Users\josep_000\Documents\Medved Trader\ and delete the backup folder. then try again
  12. Yes, export with data. then you can post it via https://www.wetransfer.com/
  13. uploads are disabled right now. something must show on raw data. turn filtering off. Also, what datafeed? and do you only have one?
  14. NOTE: if MT shows faulted, you can click on that row, then right click and select Force Re-Login (on the DASHBOARD, with SOURCES selected)
  15. TDA Servers are/were down. If already logged in, then not a problem: https://downdetector.com/status/td-ameritrade
  16. ?? No you don't. Option chain in QT does not show symbols. If you drag the entry to a portfolio or right click on something where a symbol is shown, then yes, but the chain itself does not show symbols
  17. MT symbol format for options is .TSLA_160115P250 so if you add it in the portfolio, that is what you would see. In the current option chain selector, we show "TSLA JAN 15 2016 P 250.00". In an option chain, we probably will do something similar to QT, where we didn't show the symbol at all
  18. Thanks. I was able to reproduce the issue. It does seem to be a problem with the datafeed. I am reporting it to IQFeed. Meanwhile, I added a workaround in MT for it. will email you
  19. if MT has focus, you cannot have other windows on top. When MT does not have focus, it should allow other windows to be on top of it. I did fix an issue with that in the last release so if you don't have that, please get it.
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