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Jerry Medved

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Everything posted by Jerry Medved

  1. the arrow is the BID TICK arrow - it shows the direction of the last BID change. Indices do not have bid/ask, thus no arrow. I will look to see if I can kludge it
  2. ok, so the issue is only when the row in question is the last visible row at the time you start editing the note, right? [edit] - no. when you scroll the table after starting to edit....
  3. Could I connect to you remotely to see what is going on? can do it via TeamViewer or Join.me (both are free). Let me know - I can email you instructions.
  4. I didn't mean that you were doing something unusual. I meant that there is something unusual with your system setup, because this is not happening on any other systems we tried on.
  5. there is a difference between single click and double click on the notes field, or any field for that matter on the Portfolio editor. NOTE: double click, not just click twice. Double clicking starts editing, where as single click just puts focus on the field, and if you start typing, whatever you are typing will become the new value overwriting previous value. That is intended. As for you not seeing the data when typing, I have no idea how you are managing that. Are you using Large Fonts settings? Anything else unusual about your setup?
  6. 1) When I insert a note in my portfolio "NOTE" column, then I see nowhere what I'm typing until I press the OK button, then suddenly the text is there. Can you please give me exact steps that you are doing. Are you double clicking on the NOTE field first in order to edit or just start typing? Are you copy/pasting or typing? When you say that you don't see it, do you mean you are typing stuff in the note edit field and the text you type is not showing up there? Even if just 1 line? 2) when I try to modify the text in the note column the previous text disappear completely and only the text witch I added is saved in the note column. are you double clicking on the note field first?
  7. Bill, right now Adjust Scale is not working for the Events indicator. Will fix. Meanwhile, can add space on the Y axis manually: http://forums.medvedtrader.com/index.php?/topic/1146-charts-more-space-on-y-axis/
  8. I will look at the emails. as for above question, do you have the historical charts set to show real-time data? If not, then they will not update intraday
  9. for what you are describing, you can just check the box on the Bollinger Band indicator Properties to "Adjust Scale" (click on the bollinger bands right on the chart to see the properties. If you want to manually adjust the space on the Y axis, you can do that - move the mouse over the Y axis (you should see the Y axis highlight). Click and drag the mouse toward the center of the Y axis. Reverse that to reduce extra space. Or, right click on the Y axis and select from the options there.
  10. Jerry Medved

    Windows 10

    There are no issues with running MT on Windows 8. Lots of people do it (I have myself).
  11. Jerry Medved

    Windows 10

    Windows 10 is an update to both. It goes Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10.
  12. Jerry Medved

    Windows 10

    people hate the UI on Win 8. That doesn't have anything to do with the program not working
  13. Jerry Medved

    Windows 10

    some people have used MT on Win 10, but we have not explicitly tested it. Win 10 is basically a cosmetic update. There are not going to be any issues
  14. I am sure you will. Sent.
  15. emailed you. You can use Yahoo as the quote source if you wish, though it is delayed (same as in QT). Backfill is available from Yahoo and Google as well,
  16. Chrome - yes, though the copy/paste should work regardless.
  17. range - OK. will add it to the options for that databox horizontal lines - do you mean you want the option to have a line X% from prev close vs just the prev close that we have now?
  18. easiest thing to do is in MT select FILE / EXPORT and check the QUOTE DATA option (and whatever else you want), then copy the exported file to the other computer, start MT and select FILE / Import...
  19. in your example, the Google data will be added to IB's data. MT is configured to get 10 years of IB hist data. Don't know about better - not aware of any issues with IB data other than the 10 year limitation which some find constraining.
  20. you made me go to Yahoo for the first time in over a year, and the email still doesn't work in Chrome In MT, right click on the chart and select COPY. In Yahoo mail, while the focus is in the area where you type the message, just PASTE the image - you can right click and select PASTE or just hit CTRL+V
  21. ok, thanks - that clarifies things. will look
  22. right but where were you reading it? In the box showing the values or on the Y axis? The reason I asked is there is no "Last" on candles. There is only Close, which is shown with a C in the trace box. If you have the chart set to show extended only until market opens, then the 60 min candle at 9:00 will change when the market opens to only show data from 9:30 and on. If you can't get the files, can you send just the screenshot of the chart in question to support?
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