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Jerry Medved

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Everything posted by Jerry Medved

  1. Etrade AU is configured for up to 3 requests per 4 sec period, up to 7 symbols per request, so a minute is about right.
  2. Dorian, I just emailed you the instructions. For the purposes of getting the data, you can use Yahoo as the quote source
  3. We have no problem with you running it on multiple machines. As for moving stuff from one to the other, you would want to: 1) install MT on the new machine (same URL) 2) on the Old machine, run MT, then select FILE / Export Settings. Select the option on top left to export specifically for your account. 3) copy the exported file to the new machine 4) run MT and login using the same login ( your email/password) as you did on the old one 5) select FILE / Import 6) Select the exported file you copied from the old machine and import. Jerry
  4. I was able to recreate the issue. will look into it.
  5. Hi Eldon, I emailed you. I am sure we will earn your endorsement this time around as well
  6. Jerry Medved

    No Data

    on top left of the portfolio, on the ribbon, you need to select a quote source. Then if the button above or next to the quote source selector says START, click on it.
  7. sorry, misread. Will add.
  8. do not have any update on this. I do not plan to add these hot key for everyone (as would have to be done now). Will have to wait for customized hot keys
  9. ok, you already have it
  10. emailed you. Remember - for US stocks, just enter the symbol. For Canadian stocks, add :CA suffix to the symbol
  11. MT will run 64 bit natively on 64 bit systems, and 32 on the older ones. TD Ameritrade datafeed does not support futures. TOS uses a different datafeed. Using TDA and IQFeed at the same time is no problem as long as the two portfolios receiving quotes from the two sources do not have the same symbpols. Getting quotes on the same symbol from 2 sources at the same time is problamatic, same as in QT.
  12. emailed both of you. @rpm -- I thought one of you guys already got the beta? email me if you have any questions
  13. Which exact values? the ones that follow the cursor assuming you have tracing enabled, or on the Y axis? On each indicator parameter, you have the Show Value option that you can un-check. As for the current value of indicators as you move the mouse, if you click on the little gear icon on the trace box, a menu will popup. Last item there is to turn the indicator values off.
  14. As for the title question (help), not done yet. We are working on it.
  15. Really REALLY don't want to add settings for every little thing. Yes, it can be added, but the result is that we have a HUGE number of settings (already have a few too many) and it gets overwhelming. This particular one we have been meaning to do anyway because a double click should not do a "destructive" action like that. There are multiple other ways of removing the indicators. Some as fast or even faster than the double click. You can drag the indicator to the left table, which can be done basically in a swipe action. Plus, you can highlight multiple indicators and drag them off, thus removing all in one action.
  16. MTG, I have not seen any issues with right click on lines. I just tried again just to make sure. Note that the cursor changes when you are over the line, so you can tell if you will be right clicking on a chart or on an existing line. If you still have an issue, is it with specific situations?
  17. that would be problematic. However, you can open the different windows. Set their sizes, then set those windows as default (and if you already have stuff defined, do "Set as Default for all") - right click option on the window caption. Then from that point on, all those windows will use the larger font sizes.
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