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Jerry Medved

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Everything posted by Jerry Medved

  1. for regular quotes, no. But if you have the Level II/Market Depth open for a symbol, MT does read the # of trades then, while processing the Level II data.
  2. Volume % is VOL / AVG.VOL Average volume would need to be returned from the datafeed. Only other way is if you open a historical chart and it backfills, MT computes the avg volume from that data at that time. E*Trade does not return avg volume As for # of trades, needs to be returned by the datafeed. I do not see it on the E*Trade AU quote page.
  3. we have a few planned, but none actively in the works
  4. best we can do here is just do (DIVIDEND * 4)/LAST - show as %. would that suffice? We don't have control over when dividend data gets updated
  5. @Lapa, having a option chain display window with full quotes will be added in the future. Right now we have the option selector, so your datafeed does need to support options for this to work. I believe Commsec works with options. Others might as well. So if you either enter the symbol into the portfolio (if you know it) or you use the option selector to pick it, and use a source that supports options, it should give you the bid/ask, etc. If Commsec does not work, let me know
  6. y, for ASX, I want the suffix. Otherwise, people select it for US stuff (news, etc) and it just puts a load on their servers for no reason. Plus, if you do not add the suffix, MT handles the quote as if it is a US stock, and mixing stuff like backfill, news, etc, becomes a problem, so I made it required.
  7. what is the exact symbol you enter on the option selector window? NOTE: :ASX suffix is required
  8. You can specify the extra content or replace the description entirely on the NOTE tab of the alert. As for removing commas from volume, I 100,000 less confusing than 100000 as do most people, thus that being the default format. If you put a single letter label in front of the values indicating what they are, it would avoid numbers running into each other. Alert Log Clearing - will do Alert Log Copy - will do.
  9. y, that is basically right - Mike and I have been going back and forth on various naming options and couldn't decide - wanted something that is not too techie, and also not confusing (separate chart or sub chart seems to imply another chart to me at least)
  10. Are the option symbols used on ASX the same as what would be used on CommSec and others? So if ANZV79 is for ANZ Call with expiration: 25/06/2015, Strike: 41.000 on ASX, it will be ANZV79 on other sites too? I can probably do it, BUT MT would have to handle the symbols as regular stock symbols - in other words, MT would not know they are options and thus would not be able to do anything special for them - be it request the quotes differently (if the site requires it) or do different multiples for trading. Also, for full option chain (which we don't have yet), we need to be able to: 1) Get the chain - all option symbols for a given root 2) Get the quotes on many option symbols by specifying the symbols In other words, don't think we would be able to use the page you referenced because it does not let us specify which symbols MT needs quotes on. When implementing OC, will see if anything can be done about that.
  11. We have have a problem deciding on what to call the different indicator areas. In QT, it was simple - an indicator could be on the Main chart or on the "Bottom" chart. In MT, that is no longer the case, since the indicator can be on Main, on Top or on Bottom. In the case of Top and Bottom charts, it shows in a separate panel or chart. So, what do we call that panel or chart? Calling them Main Chart vs Top/Bottom Chart is not really good - Top/Bottom is too involved. Right now we are calling it Main Chart vs "Separate" Chart. However, not sure if "separate" creates confusion? Any suggestions? Opinions?
  12. Most indicators are not computed on every tick, which is what would be needed for this.
  13. there has to be full trading integration in MT with a broker to be able to get execution alerts. Brokers do have the API - they just don't have it public. If they wanted to, they could pretty easily make it so we could integrate. I can't say about the AU brokers.
  14. As far as MT, no, it cannot easily be installed on a USB stick. the executable stuff is in one place, app files in another and user files in 2 others, so it wouldn't work
  15. Emailed you. NOTE: MT will work with TDA accounts, not not the TOS specific ones (if it supports futures, it doesn't support the API). http://forums.medvedtrader.com/index.php?/topic/287-fyi-td-ameritrade-login-issues/
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