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Jerry Medved

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Everything posted by Jerry Medved

  1. I checked and was able to backfill FB with IB data. Please send me the settings+log
  2. What about excluding MT.EXE? I am not familiar with eSAT or Comodo Firewall, so don't know what settings they have. Email me the log and I can look
  3. In TWS, is API enabled? On what port? In MT What port is set for IB configuration?
  4. to add to the above, had correct MT symbols been used, the futures quotes would have been OK
  5. 1) you are not using the right symbol format. You are using Yahoo's Native symbol format. If doing that, MT doesn't know the type of symbol or what timeframe to use with it, so it uses US Equities and thinks it is a stock. Here is an example of proper formats: CRUD:MI #EUR.USD #XAU.USD @FDAXM15:EX @CLK15:NYM @TFM15:NYB 2) I only see an issue if not using HTML. When I switched to HTML quotes and refreshed, correct time showed up. NOTE: that would not change quotes already read in, so you can't just look at the chart. I am looking at the quote date and quote time columns on the grid (or top row of raw data) I will check to see if anything can be done about the API version of the quotes. Right now it seems that they are returning data in symbol's "native" timezone, which is bad, since that timezone is not returned with the quote, so not something we can convert.
  6. What specific symbols do you have in MT that have a problem? What exactly is the problem - how much is the time off? do you have Yahoo set to use HTML quotes? (SETTINGS / Data Sources / Configure Accounts - select Yahoo - on right side.
  7. answered here: http://forums.medvedtrader.com/index.php?/topic/1039-tweets-on-charts/#entry5525
  8. 1) We don't currently have Twitter integration, so at the very least, this would have to wait until after that (once Share system is done) 2) how do you tell that a tweet is about a stock?
  9. Can you send me the settings + log file... go to FILE / Export Settings. Leave the checkboxes already checked, and also check LOG FILE. Export, then email me the exported file please.
  10. Email alerts are not being worked on yet. That will actually be part of another big project in MT. the "Share" sub-system, which will let you "share" stuff like chart, quote, etc. When you select share, you will be able to select how (same as on Android). Clipboard, Email, FB, Twitter, etc. Alerts will have Share ... (with appropriate selection) as one of the notification options once that system is implemented.
  11. do other MP3 files play? Does the same MP3 play in Windows Media Player? (specifically that one). As for set as default, it does not alter any existing alerts. It just changes what the default is for future alerts of the same alert type.
  12. For those of you that want the Opening or Closing bell sound, you can setup a reminder alert to occur every day at 4:00 (or 9:30) and set the notification to be SOUND. For the sound file, you can get the bell here: http://www.medvedtrader.com/trader/DL/NYSEBell.mp3 Just right click on the URL and select the option to "Save Link As.." (in Chrome) or whatever else is appropriate for the browser you are using and save it on your computer. then point to that file in the alert definition. The above sound file is about 30 seconds long. I suggest that you set the alert to Clear After X seconds (first option on the Alert Notifications tab). That will turn off the sound
  13. I have a plan for implementing multi-criteria alert. as for multiple entry, but each criteria triggering separately, will see. could in theory be an alternate view of existing alerts.
  14. the issue will be fixed in next update. Only impacts timeframes where start=end (forex)
  15. odd. If you change it to always show extended hours, it will work. Will fix (FOREX doesn't have any extended hours so that setting shouldn't have any impact really)
  16. ok, so which ones are not working? What source are they getting the data from? What are the chart types?
  17. I thought SP3 was required in order to install .NET 4.0 on XP? Please send me the MTLOG.LOG file from the following folder: C:\Documents and Settings\<Your Windows Login Name Here>\Local Settings\Application Data\2GK\Medved Trader\ I am pretty sure that is the correct location for the log file on Win XP
  18. Right now, no. will look into it.
  19. FYI: I have not received any response from MoneyAM. The contact I previously worked with doesn't seem to be there anymore (it has been a while ) and email to their support has not received a response.
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